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Fashion Pieces That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Fashion Pieces That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Fashions goes by very quickly and each season offers us new trends to add into our wardrobe. However, some garments have come to stay and have become essential classics.

In each season there is a different source of inspiration. In general, this is usually a set made up of reinvention of concepts already used previously. As the new combinations of colors, textures and other elements are configured, the result will vary. However, there are garments that never go out of style, that are timeless.

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These garments are those basics that cannot be missing in anyone's closet. They are very versatile and can be used in any occasion, with minimal margin for error. We are going to show you these garments.

Little Black Dress (LBD)

This classic was created by Coco Chanel in 1926, since that time it became a fashion icon. A black dress is a basic that can save emergencies of all kinds: parties, family gatherings, business meetings, and appointments. Elegant and sophisticated, this dress is easy to combine, adapt to various looks and you can alternate it with different accessories to always get out of trouble and look fabulous.

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White t-shirt

A white t-shirt goes with whatever you wear: jeans, pants, a skirt, jackets, blazers, anything. It is a basic that always looks good and that combines on any occasion. The same shirt can make it look elegant, fresh or casual.

Slip Dress

This see-through dress is a classic from the 90s. This straight-cut dress, with a simple silhouette, will add a touch of elegance and originality to your style.


This year, long, straight, and oversized blazers returned as a trend. But this garment will never go out of style. It goes well with everything: with white, colored T-shirts, skirts, jeans. This garment can never be missing, possibly it can be the favorite to go to work.

Denim Jacket

It is a staple of any woman's wardrobe. You can wear with a dress, to receive a visit at home on any given day, to go to work, or to the market. The denim jacket is a basic that also never goes out of style.

Denim  Miniskirt

Since the miniskirt arrived, it stayed. The trend of miniskirts returned with much more force and including it in the bottom wardrobe is basic these days. It can be worn in hot, temperate and cold climates, combine it with the right accesories according to the season.


Jeans are a basic capable of getting us out of any trouble. For this reason, it is one of the garments that never goes out of style and which is frequently used by both men and women. There is no style that does not need this garment. A classic pair of jeans is a staple that never goes out of style.

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You must have these type of garments in your closet, the will look great on you any time of the year

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